Pakistan jumps to 34th from 45th since Zardari took over
No matter what we say or do, no matter how big and organize our media and judiciary is, nothing is making a difference. No matter how aware the people of Pakistan are...these corrupts are
doin their job.
So depressing this stuff is
According to a report by transparency international corruption has increased of 400 % in Pakistan in the past 3 years. The report also suggests that over the period the corruption status of the Judiciary has decreased considerably. It also makes comparison among the 3 years and declare 2009 to be the most corrupt by far. The report has been authored by Syed Adil Gilani.
Corruption in last three years has increased 400%.
The National Corruption Perception Survey 2009 (NCPS 2009) indicates that the overall Corruption in 2002 has increased from Rs 45 Billion to Rs 195 Billion in 2009. Police and Power maintained their ranking as the top two most corrupt sectors.There has been remarkable improvement in Judiciary. As compared to 2006 when it was ranked3rd most corrupt sector, in 2009 Judiciary is ranked 7th.
- Police, Power, Health and Land are the most corrupt departments, while Judiciary, Customs &Taxation have improved their ranking since 2006
3. The Present District Government System has been rated as more corrupt by 66.48% respondents,than the previous District Government System.
4. Majority of (60%) Respondents feel that Government /Armed forces should not be involved incommercial activities.
5. Majority of respondants wants National Accountability Bureau or any equivalent AntiCorruption Agency should be an independent body under the control of Supreme JudicialCouncil
6. The three main reasons of corruption in view of our respondents were being, “lack ofAccountability, “Lack of transparency ” & “Discretionary Power.”
7. The three measures suggested for combating corruption are “Accountability of public officeholders”, “Judicial process to be streamlined ” & “Appointing on merit “.
8. To the question “In your opinion has media played a positive role in combating corruption, 77%said yes.
9. Respondents ranking of four most viewed TV Channel are Geo, ARY, Express and Aaj. FourNews paper in readership ranking are Jang, Nawa-e-Waqat, Dawn and Mashriq.
10. Assuming that there are 21.5 million House Holds ( 8 persons per house) in the Country, averagebribery expenditure being Rs.9,428 per household, almost Rs.195 Billion is being cost of pettycorruption at the lowest level. In NCPS 2006 it was Rs 45 Billion.
11. Motor way police system has been said by more than 82% respondents to have reducedcorruption, and 84% have recommended to be implemented in all cities of Pakistan.
The main feature of the Pakistan National Corruption Perception Survey2009 and ranking in 2006 and 2002 NCPS are detailed below.
1. In the opinion of the 5,200 respondents the ranking of Ten government departments are,( 1 Rank 1 being the most corrupt and 10 being the least corrupt )

Pakistan rises in corruption, falls from grace

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