Sunday, June 27, 2010

How to Understand Child Behavior

Childhood behavior is the result of ongoing interaction with all aspects of the environment such as peers, adults and school. These factors produce beginning life experiences. Careful observation will lead to clearer understanding of where actions stem from.

Difficulty: Moderate
  1. Step 1

    Childhood misbehavior should be understood as a function between parent and child, teacher and child or environment and child. It is not just the behavior of the child alone. All key people and places connected to the child will have an influence on behavior.

  2. Step 2

    Children model behavior. Misbehavior can be successfully addressed through modifications in modeling styles. Know the models you are exposing the child too.

  3. Step 3

    Ask yourself if there are there any negative behavior or personality patterns that have been passed down through the generations. The solution to discipline problems is often found within the family system.

  4. Step 4

    Pay attention to likes and dislikes. What does the child laugh at? What upsets the child? Children absorb whatever is presented to them. Sarcasm, ridicule, and name calling will contribute to emotional blockades in later years.

  5. Step 5

    Engage the child in daily communication. Focus on age-appropriate time spans for talking. Know that boys and girls have different communication patterns. Girls often respond to a direct approach as boys respond to physical action, such as playing with a car, during communication.

  6. Step 6

    Children are not always happy and carefree. As they get older, they experience academic, social and parental stress. It is important to pay attention to what your child's day is like and to provide time for relaxation and creative play without guilt.

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