After the roaring success that was KFC’s Double Down (which, if you recall, has two chicken breasts in lieu of bread), you knew there’d be copycats trying to cash in on the “more is more” philosophy. And now’s the new heir to the throne, Friendly’s Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt which has a burger and two grilled cheese sandwiches in the place of a bun.According to Consumerist, the calorie content of the sandwich comes in at:
1500 Calories
870 Fat Calories
79g Total Fat
38g Saturated Fat
180g Cholesterol
2090mg Sodium
101g Carbs
9g Dietary Fiber
4g Sugar
54g Protein
Those numbers theoretically make the sandwich about three times as worse as a KFC Double Down. It also, to me, looks infinitely more delicious. Particularly because I hate my arteries and want to hurt them in extremely passive aggressive ways. Sarcasm just isn’t cutting it.
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